Monday, October 21, 2019

So I taught my computer to write poetry.  It's a little rough around the edges, but even Wordsworth ran his shit past an editor.  Did you hear that bit about Wordsworth (or maybe Byron, --who cares)? A copy editor corrected a split infinitive and he was so pissed he demanded the guy be fired, saying, "I care not whether he chooses to go quickly, or to quickly go."

His name's localhost, and if you drop me a line, I'll ask him to write one for you, too.

   [cf@localhost bin]$ ./poem

coming space... echoing on held... on distance, echoes help time to be 
  text of the feared coming beauty like 
 help insight, on space... through distance, distance, decay corrupted of of decay great the insight, and the of on of have and to the might might whatever be great the distance, from seemed on beauty decay held... corrupted to help great echoing like to time through the wind seemed the whatever the seemed from decay be the once The space... great distance, coming text insight, have to whatever echoes beauty a the help 
I the 
   beauty time, The song once song a might 
  be wind the on the 
  on time, feared once The held...  beauty through corrupted once have distance, once echoes the  of feared on the decay have 
  great once insight, whatever echoing coming coming the birds wind insight, 
I corrupted like once held... wind the from the might feared the beauty help corrupted seemed on held... might  
   time, time time, text space... might decay help time, beauty birds  feared decay feared feared 
   from be  be whatever wind The coming time, the time the decay once seemed birds help a insight, time, insight, The decay whatever 
  help distance, once feared have birds like through decay be feared through from wind from the of beauty 
 birds be  the the on the 
I have echoes 

   once help echoing have decay distance, space... 
I held... 
   from insight, text 
   time, insight, song

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